

A Linuxbot fittled with a 340mb IBM Microdrive, Wireless LAN Card and Digital Firewire Camera


A close-up picture of the Linuxbots Hardware


A Linuxbot fitted with a Stereoscopic Digital Firewire Image System


These robots utilise PC/104 cards for onboard processing, in conjunction with Wireless LAN devices to provide communications for control and telemetry. The combination of a PC compatible controller and standard proprietary TCP/IP driver software means that each robot is (literally) a node on a high bandwidth Wireless Local Area Network. The most recent additions to the Linuxbot Robots are an IBM Microdive for program storage and a PC104 Firewire Card for Digital Video Applications

Check out other applications of this great robot:

For more information please go to the following pages, "The LinuxBot: A Wireless Web-server on Wheels" and Linuxbot Support.



Questions on the RASCALs and Wireless LAN to Alan Winfield:
Questions on the IAS group to Chris Melhuish: